Friday, I had the day from hell with Chloe, she wouldn't settle and cried for most of the day, it looks like the teething has started, I gave her some calpol and some teething gel and she settled right away!
Nana & Grandad met Dave at the station in Leeds and came home with him on our local train, they were pleased too see little Chloe.
We also tried Chloe with her first food, a little mashed potato, leftovers from our tea and I'm not sure how much she actually ate as most of it seemed to end up down her bib and on me but she kept taking the spoon so that was quite positive!
Nana & Grandad babysat for us whilst we nipped to IKEA, and I got my bookcases and a couple of picture frames, we came back and put a picture of Chloe in one of them for Nana & Grandad, and surprised them with it. (We had purposely kept this piccy hidden so they wouldn't see it before we had it framed! Will post it as soon as I get it off Dave)
Saturday, Dave and his dad went off to the races at Wetherby for the day, Dave bought me a DVD to watch whilst they were away, Mama Mia! I've been wanting to see it for ages, thankyou xxx Nana and I had a quiet day, we did plan on going for a walk but Chloe finally fell asleep so we stayed at home as she hasn't been too well with her teething.
Chinese for tea, yummy! We tried Chloe with a bit of mashed banana, again I'm not sure how much she ate, but she kept trying to grab the spoon!
Sunday, We had a lovely lunch at the local carvery, then went for a walk to blow some cobwebs away at Temple Newsome. It was absolutely freezing and it was lightly snowing!
BTW that's snow on Dave's jacket, not dandruff lol